Our Mission: We exist to help people Follow Jesus, Be Changed by Jesus, and Get On Mission with Jesus.

We are a group of imperfect people striving to follow Jesus; be changed by Jesus; and impact our community with the love of Jesus. We meet weekly to explore the life changing message of the Bible.

Join us Sundays at 10:30AM! 

Practical Messages from God’s Word

Life is tough. Life is confusing. Decisions are hard. Join us each Sunday at 10:30 am as Pastor Alan helps us explore God’s Word for practical insights to help us navigate everyday life.

Inspiring Worship

Ansonia First Family

Competition is fierce, but the fun and fellowship is great!

- Dart Ball Team

A fun tradition is our Annual Outdoor Service in our Shelter house in August.

We love our community and enjoy reaching out and serving them in practical ways.

(Gatorade at Flag Football games)

God is changing lives!

Baptisms in the Pond

Ansonia First Kids are Awesome! We have classes for ages 6th grade and under on Sundays & Wednesday nights!

Super Bowl - Pop & Pringles - We love to share God’s Love in a practical way.

Ansonia First Church of God is located in Ansonia, Ohio.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM for worship!